White text on a black background scrolls ceaselessly upwards on a television or video projector. Seemingly random questions are posed with a choice of six answers to choose from, labelled A-F. The questions are not numbered, but there are 250 of them in total. The questions themselves range from reasonably straight-forward (Which of the following authors do you prefer?) to somewhat non-sensical (What is your favourite dental hygiene tool?). They directly refer to the questionnaires found in books and magazines which attempt to diagnose and resolve personality issues, relationship problems, etc.
The viewer is invited to participate in the exhibition by marking an individual score card with the letter-answer to each question. Wall text informs the viewer that they may answer as many or as few questions as they wish, but more accurate results will result from answering a greater number of questions. The score card allows them to check a letter category, A-F, as each question scrolls.
By totalling the number of each letter-answers checked, the viewer will be able to receive a somewhat personalised response and diagnosis, according to response type. Around the installation space, areas are labelled A-F with large vinyl signage. Viewers are instructed to go to the response station which corresponds to the letter-answer they chose the most frequently. At each response station, there is a brochure-holder full of printed cards, which may hold the solution to all of the viewers problems and issues. The viewer is encouraged to take a card and follow the directions carefully. If the directions are followed, the viewer is offered a means to rid themselves of all their troubles.